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Skin Lightening with Benoquin Cream


If you wish to lighten your skin to improve your appearance, do not even consider Benoquin Cream. If you’re currently using Benoquin Cream for this reason, discontinue its use at once! You will likely end up doing more harm than good to your appearance.


Among all available treatments which can lighten skin tone, Monobenzone is the most harmful to healthy skin. It is only intended for those with the skin condition, Vitiligo.


If your skin is pockmarked, (acne-) scarred or marred by melisma, it is still healthy. If your skin has darkened over time or from exposure to the sun or tanning treatments, it is still healthy. For purposes of using Monobenzone, your skin is only unhealthy if you have Vitiligo, a disease where your skin’s melanocytes are cannibalized by the immune system. It is therefore important that Vitiligo as a condition be properly understood.

skin cream


Understanding Vitiligo


Approximately 1% of people suffer from Vitiligo, making it a fairly common condition. What the disease does is instruct the body to destroy melanocytes (those skin cells which influence coloration) which causes white skin patches. Body hair can also be affected by Vitiligo, as can nasal and oral mucous membranes.


The cause of Vitiligo is unknown at present. The following theories have been suggested:


  • Auto-immune imbalances and conditions,

  • Environmental factors,

  • Genetic predisposition


Vitiligo can colonize the skin surface either quickly or steadily and may grow to encompass the entire external skin surface. This condition is known as “universal Vitiligo.” That is far rarer form than “generalized Vitiligo,” which only affects isolated skin regions and usually produces a symmetrical discoloration. In certain cases known as “segmental Vitiligo,” the condition will manifest on a single side of the sufferer’s body.


Both genders and all races may develop Vitiligo and at any age. It is most common for the condition to occur after 20 years of age. It’s important to note that Vitiligo is not an infection disease, meaning that it cannot be communicated between people.


If you require further information on Vitiligo or support, these resources are useful:


  • Vitiligo Support International

  • The Vitiligo Society



Information on Monobenzone


Monobenzone Benoquin Cream is a medication intended for treatment of cases where widespread Vitiligo cannot be effectively treated by repigmentation methods. Here are some important details on the drug known as Monobenzone:


  • Monobenzone is usually the last ditch treatment for Vitiligo sufferers.

  • The effects of Monobenzone are hard to predict and may not entirely solve the problem.

  • It is not yet fully understood by medical science how Monobenzone actually works.

  • The effect of Monobenzone is to kill the skin’s melanocytes and so induce depigmentation. Subsequent research has proven that it destroys epidermal melanocytes but does not affect the follicular reservoir. This means that the original color may recur following even extensive treatment with Monobenzone. Recurring spots should be expected after a few years. It is also possible that exposure to sunlight may speed up recurrence.


For those with Vitiligo, application of Monobenzone Benoquin Cream can clear up unwanted pigmentation effects within a year or two. In some cases, side-effects and unintended consequences occur, even when the treatment is closely supervised by a doctor. For example, isolated pigmentation regions may recur with the passage of years. This happens due to reactivation of melanin in follicular reservoirs.


Deceased pop star, Michael Jackson, apparently had Vitiligo and was treated with Monobenzone for many years. The results should highlight the dangers of using this treatment to alter one’s natural appearance. After decades of Vitiligo treatments, MJ was forced to wear gloves, veils and makeup due to the damage done to his skin. This is the danger of using Monobenzone for cosmetic purposes.


The Risks of Monobenzone


Another negative aspect of Monobenzone treatment is that it may represent a health hazard to other people.


The expected duration required to completely “bleach” or de-pigmentize the skin is one to two years. This is an extended period during which accidental skin-to-skin touching between the patient and the family, friends and/or colleagues may occur. It’s possible that others exposed to the cream’s effect may experience unwanted depigmentation of their own skin. As accidental transference of the cream to children is especially likely, Vitiligo patients should apply the cream only during times when children are away at school.


Monobenzone and Hydroquinone


A common question people ask is “are hydroquinone and Monobenzone similar?” The simple answer is no.


People who are extremely eager to bleach their skin often assume that Monobenzone is the next logical step if the results of Hydroquinone treatment fail to meet their expectations. It is not.


Hydroquinone is a suitable agent for cosmetic skin lightening whereas Monobenzone Benoquin Cream is not. Benoquin Cream is completely different from any and all available commercial skin lightening treatments. Monobenzone should only be used for the treatment of Vitiligo, period. This particular confusion, in which Monobenzone and Hydroquinone are equated, possibly steams from the fact that Monobenzone may be described chemically as “monobenzyl ether of hydroquinone.”



It is technically true that both hydroquinone and Monobenzone are phenols with similar structures, chemically-speaking. However, their results Skin Lighteningwhen applied to human skin are quite different.


The following information serves to illustrate the salient differences between Monobenzone and Hydroquinone. If you read nothing else, be sure to note the differing effects of these two substances. This information might save your skin, literally and figuratively.



Contrasting the effects of Hydroquinone and Monobenzone when Used by People without Vitiligo





Initial months

Bleaching of skin occurs around area of application

White patches manifest over entire skin surface. Areas where no cream was applied are also affected.

After one year

This substance should be used for six months maximum. Use beyond this period may lead to darkened or damaged skin.

Most of the skin surface will have been bleached to whiteness.

Upon cessation

Provided the skin remains healthy, its lightened shade can be retained through the use of sunscreen. Unprotected skin will revert to its original dark color from UV exposure.

Melanocytes will reactivate upon cessation. The old color of skin will gradually return, often in a patchy manner that looks bad.

Usage beyond one year

The skin is placed at greater risk for the development of exogenous ochronosis and other conditions of unnatural pigmentation.

Patches of raw pink may manifest among whitened areas. Original dark color may recur as a result of reactivated melanocytes - such spots are resistant to further Monobenzone applications. The skin may appear blotchy and ugly, which can lead to distress.



How Healthy Skin is affected by Monobenzone


In the early period of Monobenzone use, white patches and spots will appear anywhere on the skin surface, irrespective of where the cream is rubbed in.


Monobenzone is distinct from skin bleaching creams in that it affects the entire skin surface regardless of area of application. If you put Monobenzone on your hands, it’s quite likely that you will see white patches appear over your face.


Following a full course of treatment - generally one year - the skin will be pink / white.


Monobenzone’s effect is to destroy dermal melanocytes. With prolonged use, complete bleaching will likely occur. After about a year’s use, you can expect white or pink skin, similar to the skin of an albino. If physical exertion or blushing occurs, the skin can be expected to redden due to increase blood flow underneath the skin.


One or two years after Monobenzone treatment with Benoquin Cream, the skin’s natural color will return, often in a partial or patchy way.


This repigmentation effect may happen with Vitiligo sufferers but it is far more common among those with healthy skin who use Monobenzone. The reason for this is that Vitiligo patients have a condition in which their own immune systems attack those cells which control pigmentation. Healthy people have no such problem with their skin. People with normal immune systems will therefore experience reactivation of melanocytes. The result is that their skin will re-darken eventually, often in a partial and irregular way which looks bad.


To make matters worse, using Monobenzone on reactivated / re-darkened skin areas will probably achieve no result. This occurs as a result of the reactivated melanocytes having developed resistance to Monobenzone’s effects. Even used Monobenzone at a higher potency is unlikely to destroy such melanocytes. The skin will therefore resist any further bleaching effect from Monobenzone.


In cases where the skin remains light, it will offer no protection against UV rays. If the melanocytes are permanently destroyed, the skin will offer no such protection. Vitiligo suffers must protect themselves against sunlight or contract skin cancers and the like. It becomes necessary to wear clothing which covers the body and to use hats and umbrellas for shade. High-strength sunscreen must also be applied if going outside. One of the purposes of melanin is to resist the harmful effects of sunlight. If the


Buying Monobenzone Benoquin Cream online

Monobenzone Benoquin Cream

Monobenzone Benoquin Cream is very popular in many countries such as: USA, UK, Australia, Japan, Poland, Germany, Switzerland, France and other EU countries.

When considering where to order the drug from, there are several things to consider: Shipping in terms of Time, Price and Quality (how long does the shipping take, how much does it cost and is their packaging neat? Additionally, one must of course consider the drug’s Cost and Reputation. Reviews are an easy way to see whether or not a company is reliable or not, but unfortunately, there are sometimes false reviews. For this reason, you may want to look at multiple sources to find the best company. Buying from China, for example, is usually not a good choice - their manufacturing is still in its infancy, and so quality will not be the best. Chinese prices are good, but the quality of the drug will probably be questionable. If their manufacturing gets better, this situation may change, but for now, China is not the most reliable source. India monobenzone supplier Mac laboratories limited is the most popular among others. One can buy Monobenzone Benoquin Cream from our store.



The Long Term Damage of Monobenzone use by People with Healthy Skin


If someone uses a high dosage of Monobenzone, such as a 20% strength formulation and up, for a prolonged period, then they will be medically treated in the same manner as a Vitiligo sufferer. There is no known method to reverse the harmful effects of Monobenzone.


Identifying Monobenzone


There are a host of brand and chemicals names for Monobenzone. The chemical names include:


p-Hydroxyphenyl benzyl ether

Benzyl p-hydroxyphenyl ether

Benzyl hydroquinone

Monobenzyl ether of hydroquinone/Monobenzyl hydroquinone

Hydroquinone benzyl ether/Hydroquinone monobenzyl ether



The brand names, besides the most well-known, “Benoquin,” include:



AgeRite Alba








